As of 24th October 2024, VFS Global is handling visa applications on behalf of the Embassy of Hungary in Nairobi including for applicants wishing to travel to Latvia.

Please proceed to the dedicated VFS page to book an appointment or ask your questions.


Below you find useful information regarding the submission and evaluation of your application. 


Please note: a visa is a preliminary permission for entry, which does not automatically entitle its bearer to enter the Schengen area. The traveller may be requested at the border to demonstrate that the conditions for his/her entry and stay in Hungary are met. If the conditions under which the visa had been issued are no longer met, the traveller may be denied entry.



Applications must be submitted in person and by appointment only.

Appointments can be booked via email at

We only accept visa applications submitted at least 15 calendar days and maximum 6 months before the date of intended departure*. It is recommended to submit the application earlier than 15 days before the planned departure date, as the visa processing time may be extended up to 45 days. The consulate does not take any responsibility for delayed submission and for therefore failed travels. Please take this into account when booking your appointment. 



  • Application form - completed and signed*
  • Travel document* valid for travel to the destination Members States. The travel document's validity must exceed the planned stay in the Schengen Area with at least 3 months, it must have been issued within the last 10 years and shall contain at least 2 blank pages.
  • Copy of the data page of the passport, any visas, residence permits, entry and exit stamps.
  • Copy of the national ID card (both sides).
  • One colour photo*, maximum six months old, passport size (45 mm x 35 mm), full face and taken against a light background (see attached photo requirements)
  • Payment of the visa fee* by card or MPESA. The standard visa fee from 11th June 2024 amounts to KES 12 680. The consulate does not charge any further fees other than those mentioned above for issuing a visa. If the application for a visa is refused, the fee will not be reimbursed.
  • Providing biometric data (digital photo and fingerprints)*
  • Individual medical travel insurance which covers all costs that could arise as a result of emergency medical assistance, emergency hospitalization or medical repatriation. The insurance should cover costs of at least EUR 30,000 and be valid for the duration of the stay in all the Schengen countries. List of approved travel insurance companies can be downloaded here.
  • Non-Kenyan applicants residing in Kenya: Copy of the applicant's Kenyan residence permit. The permit validity must exceed the planned stay in the Schengen Area with at least three months.
  • Proof of accommodation;
  • Flight ticket booking;
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence both for the duration of the intended stay and for the return to the country of origin/residence, e.g.:
    • Original income certificate of the employer;
    • Certified bank account statement on the account turnover during the last three months;
    • Pension slip;
    • Payslip for last three months;
    • Certificate of registration in case of entrepreneurs;
    • In case of minors, a declaration by the legal representative to take financial responsibility and on the existence of financial means to do so.
  • If employed: signed, stamped and dated letter from current employer containing the following information:
    • Personal data, function/position;
    • Terms of employment  (temporary or permanent);
    • Starting date of employment;
    • Monthly net salary;
    • Number of years with employer/organization;
    • Granted leave days;
    • Contact details of the employer.
  • If self-employed: copy of Kenya PIN Certificate and certified personal bank statement with bank referral letter covering the last three months
  • If retired: documents proving pension or other financial support.
  • If a student: a statement from the faculty confirming a tuition break during the intended travel period or approving the student’s absence.
  • If a pupil: a statement from the school confirming school holidays during the intended travel period or approving the pupil’s absence.
  • Any other documents in proof of personal ties to Kenya, e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificates, ease agreements.


  • Additional requirements for tourism:
    • Detailed travel itinerary
    • Any other documents relating to personal ties in Kenya, like marriage certificate, title deeds or lease agreements.
  • Additional requirements for visits (family & friends): 
    • Letter of invitation (signed and dated, including duration of stay, details on the relation between the inviting person and the applicant, the inviting person’s ID number, the applicant's ID number, reference to financial support if provided, reference to accommodation if provided) 
    • If accommodation is provided by the inviting person, proof of legal residence at said accommodation
    • Copy of ID/passport (including signature) of the inviting person. If the inviting person is not a Hungarian citizen, please also submit a copy of their residence permit
    • Any other documents demonstrating the relationship to the inviting person
    • Any other documents relating to personal ties in Kenya, like marriage certificate, title deeds or lease agreements.
  • Additional requirements for business and conference
    • Signed and stamped letter of invitation. The invitation must contain the following information:
      • Personal data
      • Detailed information on the purpose of visit 
      • Duration of stay
      • Name and address of the inviting party
      • Name and position of the person signing the invitation
      • Registration number of the inviting party
      • Financial responsibility, if provided by the inviting organization
      • Date and contact details
    • Signed and stamped letter from your current employer or organization containing the following information:
      • Personal data
      • Function/position
      • Terms of employment  (temporary or permanent, begin and end dates of the contract)
      • Number of years with employer/organization
      • Purpose of visit
      • Granted leave days
      • Financial responsability, if provided by the employer
      • Date and contact details
    • Pay slips & certified bank account statements from the last three months
    • If you are self-employed, please submit copy of Kenya PIN Certificate and certified bank statement for business account for the last three months.
    • If you are attending a conference which requires prior registration, proof of registration and receipt for registration fee.
  • Additional requirements for minors (under 18 years):
    • Both parents have to be present at the visa interview (if either of the parents is absent or deceased this must be proven by a death certificate or a court order for custody);
    • Copy of birth certificate (the original must be presented);
    • Copy of both parents ID-cards;
    • Certified bank statements of parent(s)/guardians(s)/sponsor(s) covering the last three months.
    • Written consent letter from both parents, certified by notary, if the child is travelling alone, or from the parent that is not accompanying the child when travelling. The letter should include the parent(s) telephone and e-mail contacts.
    • If the legal guardian is someone other than the biological parent as stated in the birth certificate, a custody order must be submitted proving legal guardianship;
    • A letter from school containing the child’s name, name of parents, grade, number of years at school, school holidays, contact details, date and name of school representative;
    • If the child is travelling with a group please submit a complete list of names of all group members travelling and name of person in charge of the group


Family members of EEA (European Economic Area) citizens 

  • If you are a family member of an EEA citizen, and you are travelling along with them or with the purpose of joining them in Hungary, you may apply for a Schengen visa with simplified conditions 
  • Family members are defined as: spouse, child (<21) or dependent parent
  • Visa application is free of charge
  • To benefit from the simplified procedure, the following conditions have to be met:
    • Proof of family relationship
    • Proof of the EEA citizen's citizenship
    • Proof that the visa applicant will be travelling with, or joining the EEA citizen 
    • For further necessary documents, please contact us at
  • Does not apply to family members of Hungarian citizens!


Decision making

In order to assess a visa application, the Consul:

  • Consults the Schengen Information System for travel/entry bans;
  • Inspects former visas issued to the applicant;
  • May consults competent authorities of other Member States;
  • May consult the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing of Hungar and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary;
  • May consult with foreign representations of other Schengen Member States;
  • May request additional interviews with the applicant;
  • May request the presentation of further documents or certificates in addition to the ones already attached to the application;
  • May contact parties in connection with the visa application for more information (employer, bank etc);



Applications will be refused if:

  • False, counterfeit or forged travel document is presented;
  • The purpose and conditions of the intended stay are not provided;
  • Sufficient means of subsistence, both for the duration of the intended stay, and for the return to his country of origin or residence are not demonstrated;
  • The maximum duration of authorized stay within the same 6 months period in the territory of the Member States (90 days) is exceeded;
  • An alert has been issued in the Shengen Information System (SIS) to refuse entry;
  • The applicant is considered to be a threat to public policy, internal security or public health, international relations of any of the Member States, in particular where alert has been issued in Member States national databases for the purpose of refusing entry on the same grounds;
  • Adequate and valid travel medical insurance is not presented.
  • Doubt arises concerning the validity and the content of the supporting documents, the reliability of the statements made by the applicant.

Applicants are notified of the reason for refusal via a standardized refusal form. Notification on the reason for refusal can be obtained at the consulate only by the applicant in person. In case of refusal the consulate will not reimburse the visa fee.


Appeal procedure

  • If the visa is refused, revoked, or annulled, applicants have the right to appeal. Appeals can be submitted in person at the Consulate within 8 calendar days following the date of receiving the decision on refusal, and within 3 calendar days following the date of receiving the decision on annulment or revocation. The appeals are handled by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.
  • The appeal request should be lodged in writing and it should be signed by the applicant.
  • The fee of the appeal procedure is 22 543 KES which should be paid upon submission of the appeal. The fee for the appeal procedure cannot be reimbursed, even in case of a positive decision. 
  • The applicant can submit further supporting documents during the appeal procedure, and he/she may be invited to the Consulate for a personal interview.
  • The appeal decision may be subject to judicial review.
  • In case of refusal a new application may be submitted at any time, after the deadline of the appeal ( 8 days) has expired. The visa fee has to be paid again.



* If your application fails to fulfil any of the above requirements marked with (*), it is considered inadmissible and your documents, including application fee will be returned to you without further notice. (Visa Codex art. 19:3).